Welcome to the Demospiral webpage! I made this website as I wanted a carrd / rentry / strawpage alternative as well as a place to update as I see enjoyable. This site will always be in progress: I am an amatuer coder at best, so forgive any issues you may find. Here you can read about my personal project, Catsleep, look through my artworks, see my favorite characters and series' shrines, and learn more about me!

A bit about me: I go by Demo, though I have a name hoard I cycle through and add to semi-regularly. I am 19, and use a host of pronouns but my favorites are they & sea. You can find me on Tumblr, Instagram, Sheezy and Twitter under the handle @Demospiral! I am primarily a digital artist, but sometimes will make edits for stuff i enjoy...

None of this site would have been possible without the help of my friends Citrus and Fin.